has anyone checked into the welfare of tamera luzzatto's grand children she trafficked to a party for entertainment and exploited with a crib cam? speaking of the podesta emails. one of the best parts of this article is you asking people how many friends they have who are child abusers. the correct answer is none.

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I wonder about those kids too. I've already started working on a piece covering Luzzatto and her disgusting password protected site.

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there is a way to put a piece of code before http:// that will reveal all pages of a site. i'm not sure if it will work in the wayback machine, though. AND i can't remember what piece of code so i'm digging for it. i was trying to use it to see the hidden pages here www.dreamstime.com supposedly the largest stock photo gallery in the world, yet i've been a photographer for twenty-five years and had never heard of it. the watermark punched me in the face and when i started digging, some of the images of children were questionable. if i find/remember that code, i'll get it to you for evie's crib. as you said, isn't it weird hrc's chief of staff also happens to be a trafficker and selling imagery of her own grandchildren. the clinton's are sure surrounded by a bunch of evil people. how is it they don't know or never knew? i guess it's a big coincidence.

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I love how you’ve written three amazing articles on pizzagate without even going into Comet pizza and Alefantis. Too many people start there and don’t know how to sort out the fact from fiction, then they just dismiss the whole thing all together. My introduction to pizzagate was Disney corruption which lead me on a rabbit trail to the podesta e-mails. Thank you for your work.

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Welcome back Liz! I would like to invite you to be a guest on my podcast. Just DM if you are interested. Thanks!

Jenny Hatch

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I watched that video as well, and I was also curious if it was accurate.

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I love reading all these articles and I’m learning even more with each post!

Have you ever heard anything about Chelsea C getting arrested with her husband for child trafficking? I heard that from the Dark Outpost/David Zublick and I was wondering if his posts are accurate. Keep fighting! We are here for it! 🔥💗

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Beautifully written!

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